Let’s Talk Openly About Penis Enlargement Surgery – UPD 2025

Discussion on Penis Enlargement Surgery Options

Hey friends!

Penis size is something a lot of guys worry about, but there’s a ton of misinformation out there. I want to have an open, judgment-free chat about penis enlargement surgery—what it is, whether it works, and most importantly, all the non-surgical options that can help you feel more confident about your body.

Sounds good? Awesome, let’s dive in.

What Exactly Is Penis Enlargement Surgery?

In a nutshell, penis enlargement surgery is when a doctor performs surgery to make your penis look bigger. There are two main types:

  • Lengthening surgery – To try and make your penis longer.
  • Widening surgery – To try and make your penis thicker.

Some other procedures guys get that are related but not exactly penis enlargement:

  • Liposuction on your lower stomach – This can make your penis look bigger by contrast if you have a lot of fat in that area.
  • Surgery for “buried penis” – When your penis is kind of hidden in your body fat or skin. The surgery removes the fat/skin but doesn’t literally make your penis larger.

The most common methods for enlargement surgery are cutting a ligament that attaches your penis to your pelvic bone to let it hang lower, and injecting fat or silicone under the skin of the penis to increase girth. We’ll get into more details soon!

What Counts As “Average” Size?

Before we go any further, let’s talk facts about average penis size. There are a lot of myths floating around, especially due to pornography giving unrealistic standards. In reality:

  • The average erect penis is 5-6 inches long.
  • The average flaccid (non-erect) penis is 4-5 inches long.
  • Roughly 85% of women surveyed said they were satisfied with their partner’s size.

So if you’re around those measurements, you’re a perfectly normal dude! Even if you’re a bit below average, the vast majority of women really don’t care that much about size. As long as you know how to use your tool and care about your partner’s pleasure, you can have an extremely satisfying sex life no matter what you’re working with.

There are some medical conditions that can cause an abnormally small penis, like micropenis and Peyronie’s disease. But we’ll focus more on guys whose size is normal but they still feel insecure. Let’s dive into the details!

Who Actually Gets Penis Enlargement Surgery?

Discussion on Penis Enlargement Surgery Options

The main groups of guys who pursue penis enlargement are:

  • Those with micropenis or buried penis for medical/functional reasons.
  • Guys with psychological hangups about their normal-sized penis.

Medical Reasons

Micropenis is when your penis is less than 2.8 inches when stretched. It affects about 0.6% of men and happens when you don’t get enough testosterone before birth.

Buried penis is when your penis gets partially or fully covered up by excess fat or skin in your lower stomach or genital area.

For guys with those conditions, surgery can help restore key penis functions like standing urination and penetrative sex. It’s about quality of life.

Psychological Reasons

The more common reason men pursue enlargement is psychological dissatisfaction with their normal penis size and shape.

Even if you can pee standing up and have sex just fine, negative feelings about your size can really hurt your confidence and enjoyment of life. It can stem from:

  • Unrealistic porn standards.
  • Locker room comparisons.
  • Criticism or shaming from a partner.
  • General body image issues.

If it’s seriously impacting your life, you may have a condition like penile dysmorphic disorder (PDD) or small penis anxiety (SPA). Talking to a therapist can be extremely helpful.

Alright, now that we understand why some men get surgery, let’s look at the procedures.

Different Penis Enlargement Surgery Procedures

There are a handful of different techniques surgeons use to attempt to enlarge the penis. Here’s an overview:

Lengthening Surgery

  • Ligament cutting: The suspensory ligament attaching your penis to your pelvic bone is cut, allowing your penis to hang lower when flaccid. It doesn’t actually make it longer when erect.
  • Penile stretching with weights: You attach weights or traction devices to your flaccid penis to stretch it over time. Evidence it works is very weak. Can be risky.

Widening/Girth Surgery

  • Fat injection: Fat cells are harvested from your body via liposuction, then injected along the shaft of your penis. Some of the fat may be reabsorbed.
  • Dermal fillers: Materials like silicone or hyaluronic acid are injected under the skin of the shaft. Not all fillers are safe for this purpose.
  • Implants: A soft silicone implant like Penuma is surgically inserted under the skin of the shaft to increase girth. It has FDA clearance.

Other Related Procedures

  • Pubic liposuction: Removes fat above the penis to expose more of the shaft, making it look larger by contrast. Does not literally increase size.
  • Suprapubic lipectomy: Removes fat pad covering a “buried” penis. Reveals existing length but does not lengthen.

As you can see, most procedures focus on the width/girth of the shaft as it’s harder to significantly increase length. Now let’s talk about what to expect if you decide to get penis enlargement surgery.

The Penis Enlargement Surgery Process

If you pursue penis enlargement surgery, here’s a rundown of what to expect:

Before Surgery

You’ll need to have a consultation appointment with your surgeon. They will:

  • Ask about your medical history to ensure you’re healthy enough.
  • Discuss your goals and expectations.
  • Explain the potential risks.
  • Have you sign consent forms.

You may also need psychological screening to make sure you have realistic expectations and are doing this for the right reasons.

During Surgery

Discussion on Penis Enlargement Surgery Options

The procedure can be done in the surgeon’s office or in an operating room depending on which technique you’re getting. You’ll likely have either local or general anesthesia. Durations range from 20 minutes to a couple hours.

Your surgeon will essentially follow the steps outlined above for each technique. There will be incisions made to access the ligaments, fat, or other anatomical structures. For implants, a pocket will be created under the skin of the shaft to insert the device.

After Surgery

You’ll likely experience pain, swelling, and bruising for several weeks after surgery. Follow all your surgeon’s aftercare instructions closely!

You may need to take time off work or school anywhere from a few days to 6 weeks for more invasive procedures. No sexual activity will be allowed during the initial healing phase also.

You’ll slowly see results as the swelling goes down. Several follow-up appointments will monitor your progress.

The Potential Risks And Downsides

While penis enlargement surgery can have benefits in some cases, there are also substantial risks and limitations to consider:

  • Pain, scarring, loss of sensation, erectile dysfunction.
  • Higher risk of complications with implants or dermal fillers.
  • Infections requiring additional surgery.
  • Results may be disappointing or require removal.
  • Very expensive, unlikely to be covered by insurance.

Many guys expect more dramatic enlargement than is realistically achievable. I’d have an honest discussion with your surgeon about the maximum gains to expect.

Surgery should always be the absolute last resort. Now let’s look at some nonsurgical options that are safer and cheaper!

Non-Surgical Options To Consider First

Here are some natural ways you can make your junk look a bit bigger without going under the knife:


Trimming or shaving your pubic hair can help expose more of the shaft for a slightly larger appearance. Manscaping is quick, free, and zero risk!

Weight Loss

Losing excess fat in your lower belly and pubic region can unveil more of your penis that may be partially buried. Diet and exercise are your friends here.


Using a vacuum pump device a few times a week can temporarily increase blood flow to your penis, resulting in some enlargement over time. Risk of side effects is lower than surgery.


If you have an unhealthy fixation on your size, talking to a therapist may help you untangle the psychological issues driving your insecurity. Highly recommended!

Confidence Building

Books like “Big Issues” by Dr. Michael Aaron can help reframe the way you think about your body. There are tons of great resources out there when you’re ready to make a change.

Read More

Pros And Cons

At the end of the day, the pros and cons of penis enlargement surgery are:


  • Can increase girth and length (to a degree)
  • May slightly boost confidence


  • Very expensive
  • Significant risk of complications
  • Results may be disappointing

My advice would be to start with therapy, grooming, pumping, working out, or other natural options before even considering surgery.

An added inch or two to your penis size will not magically solve all your problems—building self-confidence needs to happen from the inside out. Focus on body positivity, enhancing your sexual skills as a lover, and learning how to use what you’ve got to its full potential.

There are definitely times when penis enlargement surgery is appropriate, such as with micropenis. But the majority of men are better served by embracing what nature gave them.

Surgery should be an absolute last resort after you’ve tried everything else, not a first option. Make sense? Awesome! Let me know if you have any other questions.

More Details On Specific Procedures

Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s go a bit deeper on some of the most common penis enlargement techniques if you’re interested in learning more:

Ligament Cutting

This surgery focuses on the suspensory ligament that attaches your penis to the pubic bone. By cutting it, your flaccid penis can hang lower and seem longer, but it won’t actually increase erect length.

The procedure is done under anesthesia and takes about an hour. The surgeon makes an incision above the base of the penis to access the ligament. It is cut and the two ends are stitched back together. This allows the penis to hang lower.

Recovery takes 4-6 weeks. You’ll need to wear a stretching device for up to 8 weeks to prevent the ligament from reattaching. Side effects can include reduced stability of erections, lower angle of erections, and decreased sensation.

Overall, cutting this ligament can add maybe half an inch in flaccid length, but no significant erect length. And you may lose some stability. For these reasons, many surgeons advise against this technique.

Girth Enhancement With Fillers

The most popular girth enhancement method is injection of fillers along the shaft of the penis. Two main types used are fat cells and silicone:

  • Fat injection: Fat is harvested from your body via liposuction, usually from the belly or thighs. It is then carefully injected along the penis shaft to increase girth. Some of the injected fat may be reabsorbed by the body over time. Multiple treatments are often needed.
  • Silicone injection: Medical-grade silicone oil or soft silicone implants are injected under the skin of the penis for added girth. However, liquid silicone can migrate and cause serious side effects.

These procedures add about 1-2 inches of girth if done properly. There is a risk of lumps, asymmetry, and changes in sensation. Overall, girth injections are considered relatively safe when done by a qualified practitioner, but results vary.

Penile Implants

Discussion on Penis Enlargement Surgery Options

Surgically implanted devices like Penuma add girth and length using a soft silicone implant:

Penuma is FDA-cleared for cosmetic enhancement and consists of a thin, flexible silicone sheath inserted under the skin of the shaft. It adds both length and girth. Requires about an hour-long procedure under anesthesia.

Clinical trials found average flaccid length gain of 1.5 inches, and erect length gain of 2.5 inches. Girth gain was about 1.5 inches. There was a 15% reoperation rate due to complications like infection and device malposition.

Overall, Penuma seems to produce good results in skilled hands, but potential side effects need to be considered. It’s expensive at around $15,000. Much cheaper options like pumps exist.

What Your Partner Thinks

If you’re considering surgery, it’s understandable to worry what a partner might think about being “too small”.But the vast majority of women care more about the emotional connection and your bedroom skills than just size alone.

Focus on building confidence in yourself, being an attentive lover who cares about your partner’s pleasure, mastering techniques like oral and manual stimulation, and incorporating sex toys if desired.

An open and honest conversation along the lines of “I feel insecure about my size sometimes, how do you feel about it?” can help put your mind at ease if someone is important to you. Good partners will reassure you.

Surgery should be for your own self-confidence, not feeling pressure to measure up to someone else’s ideals. The right partner will love you as you are.

Questions To Ask Your Doctor

If you do decide to pursue penis enlargement surgery, make sure to ask your doctor some key questions ahead of time:

  • What is your experience level performing this specific procedure? Complication rate?
  • What is the maximum amount of size increase I can realistically expect?
  • What are the risks like scarring, ED, loss of sensation, etc?
  • How much recovery time will I need to take off work/school?
  • Will I need to come in for follow-up appointments and treatments?
  • Exactly what will my erections be like after surgery?
  • Do you have before/after photos I can view? Results from past patients?
  • Is there a warranty or option to revise or remove the implant if unsatisfied with results?
  • Do you recommend counseling to address any underlying penis size anxiety issues?

Get all your potential concerns addressed, and be wary of any doctor who seems to downplay risks or overpromise unrealistic results. Finding an experienced, ethical surgeon is key.

The Bottom Line

The most important things to keep in mind when it comes to penis enlargement surgery are:

  • Start with non-surgical options first like manscaping, pumping, and therapy.
  • Understand the risks and less than dramatic average results.
  • Address any psychological issues driving your size anxiety.
  • Know most women care far more about you as a person.
  • Embrace body positivity and learn new bedroom skills.
  • Surgery is very expensive, risky, and a last resort option only.

I hope this overview was helpful in breaking down the facts about penis enlargement procedures. At the end of the day, focus on building confidence in yourself, not just your penis size.

You are far more than one body part! Loving yourself is key. But if you do choose to pursue surgical enlargement, be realistic and stay safe. Let me know if you have any other questions!

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  1. J Sex Marital Ther. (2021) – Average-Size Erect Penis: Fiction, Fact, and the Need for Counseling. 2021;47(1):80-89. doi: 10.1080/0092623X.2020.1787279.
  2. Turk J Urol.(2022) – Penis Enlargement by Penile Suspensory Ligament Division with Cross-Plasty of the Skin. 2022 Mar; 48(2): 91–97. Published online 2022 Mar 1. doi: 10.5152/tud.2022.21242
  3. J Sex Med. (2011) – Effect of penile-extender device in increasing penile size in men with shortened penis: preliminary results. 2011 Nov;8(11):3188-92. doi: 10.1111/j.1743-6109.2009.01662.x.