What’s up my muscular amigos!
Have you been catchin’ those Jack Reacher vibes lately and suddenly feel the need to get completely jacked? I hear ya loud and clear! Ever since I witnessed Alan Ritchson’s intimidating transformation into the character, I’ve been itching to craft a titanic frame for myself too.
And let me tell ya, this dude went FULL beast mode packing on a whopping 35 pounds of dense, shredded mass over 8 months to bring Reacher to life. Like, HOW SWOLE CAN YOU GET?! Now that’s what I call undergoing a straight wicked transformation! My mind is still blown that he was able to achieve that kind of insane muscle growth in such a short time.
Clearly this guy knows his stuff when it comes to training hard and fueling properly. Because sculpting that kind of imposing, heroic physique takes some serious dedication and discipline in both the gym and the kitchen. No doubt about it!
So in this pumped up guide, I’m gonna be breaking down everything muscle machine Alan did to go from regular jacked dude to SUPERDUPERJACKED mega-beast. You’ll get the full deets on his beastly back-busting training splits, his monstrous mass gaining meal plan, favorite beast foods, and even the top supplements he used to fuel his intense sessions.
And guess what? I’ll also be peppering in some of my own sweet bulking tips I’ve accumulated over the years for achieving maximum shredzilla status! You know your bro has packed on his fair share of heaping muscle over the years. These pythons don’t build themselves, ya know!
So whether you’re trying put on some formidable mass like Reacher, chisel out a squad-silencing six pack, or maybe a little of both – you’ve come to the right place. Let’s get crackin’!
ToggleFirst Up – What Exactly Was Ritchson Going For Physique-Wise?
Obviously the #1 goal was to get mind-bendingly JACKED. We’re talking huge, thick, bulging muscles stacked onto a shredded frame reminiscent of old-school action heroes and comic book characters.

Gotta have that broad, superhero build – wide, bowling ball delts, an oak tree back, mountainous traps, and sledgehammer quads. Oh, and can’t forget the brick wall six pack ripped abs to pull the whole alpha look together!
But it wasn’t ALL about just packing on sheer mass. Ritchson also had to simultaneously chisel down to extremely low, single digit body fat percentages. Why? Well my well-muscled friends, you gotta unveil that prized six pack and get your vascularity popping for the cameras!
So in summary, here were Alan’s main fitness objectives:
- Pack on a ton of thick, dense overall muscle mass.
- Get massively strong and powerful.
- Drop body fat to crazy shredded levels.
- Achieve that rugged yet heroic look.
As you can see, he had his work cut out for him trying to gain quality slab after slab of muscle while also carving up an 8-pack. Talk about a challenge!
But our determined dude Alan boldly stepped up to the plate. Here’s a quick rundown of how he tackled that mountainous goal:
- Trained 5 days a week with very high volume to spur growth.
- Followed a bodybuilder-style high protein, high calorie meal plan.
- Did specific metabolic conditioning work to torch fat.
- Took targeted supplements that enhanced performance.
- Allowed proper rest periods for maximizing recovery.
So over the course of 8 grueling months, Alan stuck to the plan with relentless consistency. He poured blood, sweat, and tears into every weight room session, every sprint session, and every perfectly balanced meal. And holy freakin’ results Batman!
The Results
Like I mentioned earlier, he put on a staggering 35 pounds of steel-hard muscle while also revealing a shredded set of abdominals. And that my friends is how you achieve comic book superhero status!
Now before we get into the nitty gritty details, I gotta be straight up real with ya. These kinds of ballistic body transformations don’t happen by accident. They require a metric ton of heart, dedication, smart programming, and unwavering discipline to achieve.
You can’t just half-ass a few workouts per week and expect to make Reacher-esque gains in size and strength. That’s not how it works! You gotta have a solid plan locked and loaded and then execute on that battle strategy day after grueling day without fail. I like to call it having the heart of a warrior!

But the good news is, with the right focus and determination, these life-changing results ARE possible to attain. Trust me, I’ve experienced it firsthand over the years with both myself and the many hugemongous clients I’ve helped coach. When you combine smart, progressive training with proper fueling and adequate recovery, spectacular things happen!
Now let’s dig into the hardcore details and find out exactly what brutish training methods actor Alan Ritchson used to pack on all that formidable muscle…
Alan Ritchson’s Beastly Back-Busting Weekly Gym Schedule
When it came time to forge that unstoppable Jack Reacher physique, Alan left absolutely no muscle un-trained. His weekly routine included heavy compound lifting, targeted isolation moves, calisthenics, and metabolic work. Talk about covering all your bases!
Here’s a high level view of what his weekly gym schedule consisted of:
- Day 1: Legs/Lower Body.
- Day 2: Metabolic Conditioning.
- Day 3: Back + Chest.
- Day 4: Arms + Abs.
- Day 5: Shoulders.
- Day 6: Back + Chest.
- Day 7: Rest.
Boom! A perfect mixture of heavy strength training combined with muscle shaping isolation work and fat-torching conditioning. By spreading the training focus across all the major muscle groups instead of trying to train everything all at once, Alan was able to maximize muscular damage and recovery.
Let’s dig into what some of those hardcore sessions actually looked like…
Building Redwood Tree Legs
Seeing that the camera adds 10 pounds visually, one of Alan’s top priorities was building a set of beastly leg foundations. Makes sense – having thick, muscular wheels helps provide that intimidating presence from top to bottom. Plus having a strong lower half improves athletic performance across the board.
Here’s what his wheel-focused mass-building leg days consisted of:
Leg Workout | Sets | Reps |
Barbell Squats | 3 | 15 Reps |
Leg Presses | 3 | 15 Reps |
Stiff Leg Deadlifts | 3 | 15 Reps |
Walking Lunges | 3 | 15 Reps |
Leg Extensions | 3 | 15 Reps |
Lying Leg Curls | 3 | 15 Reps |

As you can see, he took the time to thoroughly blast quads, hammies, and glutes with a mixture of heavy compounds like squats and deads along with targeted isolation work like extensions and curls.
This is a surefire way transform those toothpicks into oak trees real quick! I always tell my clients – your lower half sets the foundation for your entire physique. If you’re walking around on chopsticks, it totally takes away from that intimidating presence.
A few quick tips for maximizing leg day effectiveness:
- Focus on progressive overload by adding weight/reps over time.
- Use full range of motion and perfect form to maximize results.
- Schedule leg days when you have the most energy.
- Prioritize compound moves then do isolation work.
Follow those principles and I promise you’ll be shocked at how fast those leg gains start piling on!
Torching Flab With Metabolic Conditioning
Immediately after demolishing his legs, Alan shifted gears into fat-incinerating cardio mode on Day 2. Strategically scheduling his conditioning day after blasting his largest muscle groups allowed them to rest and recover while still elevating his heart rate and burning extra calories. Talk about training smart!
When it came to his cardio sessions, Alan preferred long 5-7 mile runs when possible. He really enjoyed training outdoors and using sprints or incline walking to spike his heart rate into beast mode territory.
Now steady jogging might not be the most exciting thing in the world, but it played a crucial role in helping Alan peel off layers of body fat to achieve shredded comic book levels of leanness and vascularity. And achieving superhero aesthetics is all about drawing out that muscle separation and details!
Here are some of excellent benefits he reaped from his cardio sessions:
- Increased endurance and stamina.
- Stronger healthier heart.
- Improved circulation.
- Managed blood pressure.
- Enhanced calorie burn.

As you can see, routinely including metabolism-revving cardio provides benefits that reach far beyond just helping you fit into smaller jeans. It improves your overall health and performance metrics across the board.
Now if pounding pavement for 30-60 minutes sounds miserable to you, no worries! There’s plenty of options when it comes to getting in effective cardio.
I personally love hitting up some HIIT routines on the rowing machine or assault bike for an intense calorie-torching sweatfest. Heck, even just taking the stairs at work or going for a brisk walk on an incline treadmill can get the job done.
The most important thing is finding a mode of cardio you enjoy and that fits easily into your schedule. Because consistency is king when it comes to elevating that heart rate and melting away blobs of body fat!
See also:
- Christian Bale’s Workout For Batman.
- How Many Hours Does Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson Train?
- How Does Mr.Olympia Workout Routine Look Like?
- Did Chris Hemsworth Take Steroids For Thor?
- Epic Calisthenics Workouts By Chris Heria.
- And Many More
Expanding His Barn Door Back
Clearly one of Alan’s top priorities was constructing an ultra-wide, superhero-esque back that took up the entire door frame when he walked through. I mean c’mon, what’s more impressive than a big, broad, V-taper back when it comes to cementing that action hero look?
And a lot of that signature Reacher style comes right from the source material. In Lee Child’s novels, he emphasized time and time again how massively jacked and imposing Jack Reacher’s back appeared to onlookers. So Alan definitely took that message to heart!
Here’s how he focused on blowing up his back two times per week:
Back Workout 1 | Sets | Reps |
Pull-ups | 4 | 10 |
Barbell Rows | 4 | 10 |
Seated Cable Rows | 4 | 10 |
Lat Pulldowns | 4 | 10-12 |
Back Workout 2 | Sets | Reps |
Deadlifts | 4 | 6-8 |
Rack Pulls | 4 | 6-8 |
Straight Arm Pulldowns | 3 | 10-12 |
Dumbbell Rows | 3 | 10-12 |

I don’t know about you amigos, but just reading that workout is making my back twitch! Rows, deadlifts, pulldowns – all the greatest mass building staples. By training his back twice a week, Alan was really able to maximize muscular damage and growth across all those large pulling muscles.
One thing I always emphasize with my clients is just how crucial it is to focus on progressively overloading your back. Getting stronger over time is what forcibly expands the muscularity of your frame.
The way I like to do it is by adding a little bit more weight each workout when possible. So maybe in Week 1, I used 185 pounds on my barbell row.
But in Week 2, I’d bump that up by 5 lbs and start working with 190. Over time, those small jumps result in a hugely increased workload.
And don’t forget the importance of squeezing and contracting the back muscles during every rep! Just going through the motions leads to half the results. You gotta envision those pulls targeting every individual muscle fiber for maximum Activation.
Follow those principles and I promise your back will blow up bigger than the Incredible Hulk’s in no time!
Expanding Chest Muscles To Comic Book Levels
What good is having a leviathan like back if your frontside resembles Peewee Herman? Exactly – no balance or proportionality at all!
That’s why Alan also prioritized expanding his pecs and frontal upper bod to replica comic book levels. Having a set of mighty chesticles that practically poke through your shirt is a definitive feature of classic action hero physiques.
Gotta have that confidence to throw on a crisp white tee and let your swole muscles do the talkin’! Am I right?
Alan incorporated two weekly chest workouts that went a little something like this:
Chest Workout 1 | Sets | Reps |
Incline Barbell Bench Press | 4 | 8 |
Flat Bench Dumbbell Flyes | 4 | 10-12 |
Pec Deck Machine | 4 | 12-15 |
Push-Ups | 4 | To failure |
Chest Workout 2 | Sets | Reps |
Flat Barbell Bench Press | 4 | 6-8 |
Incline Dumbbell Bench Press | 4 | 8-10 |
Cable Crossovers | 4 | 12-15 |
Dips | 4 | To failure |

Slabs of pec-pumping goodness! As you can see, he not only used staples like flat bench, but made sure to hit the chest muscles from multiple angles by incorporating inclines, flyes, crossovers.
This is absolutely critical for fully developing all sections of the pectorals. You’d be amazed at how hitting just standard flat bench week after week often leads to imbalance or lack of upper chest development. Not exactly the best look!
I also love that he incorporated hardcore strength work like heavy flat bench in the 4-8 rep range along with higher rep flye motions to maximize muscular damage. This triggers both myofibrillar and sarcoplasmic growth for that cartoon chest pop!
And just like with back training, you gotta focus on progressive overload each workout. Add an extra 5-10 lbs whenever possible, push out 1-2 extra reps, or shorten your rest times.
Keep finding small ways to increase the workload to continually force adaptation. Building comic book pecs takes serious work!
Blasting Shoulders And Arms
Any fitness buff knows that jacked, bowling ball delts are an absolute must when trying to achieve that unstoppable comic book look. There’s something about having thick, round cannonball delts sitting atop a slim waist that just screams old-school action hero!
Plus having a set of bulging biceps and horseshoe triceps completes the intimidating package. Leave no muscle un-trained!
For shoulder and arm days, Alan kept things simple yet effective:
Delts Workout | Sets | Reps |
Seated Barbell Shoulder Press | 4 | 8-10 |
Lateral Dumbbell Raises | 4 | 10-12 |
Bent Over Rear Delt Raises | 4 | 10-12 |
Front Barbell Raises | 3 | To failure |
Arms Workout | Sets | Reps |
Barbell Curls | 4 | 6-8 |
Incline Dumbbell Curls | 4 | 8-10 |
Triceps Pushdowns | 4 | 10-12 |
Overhead Triceps Extensions | 4 | 10-12 |

By blasting all three heads of the delts along with training biceps and triceps through a complete range of motion, Alan was able to add some serious size and width to his gun show!
There’s nothing more impressive than having a set of 3D delts and vascular arms when it comes time to rocking a sleeveless shirt. Instant intimidation gains!
When sculpting comic book arms and delts, I always remind clients not to forget about forearms too. Having a thick set of vascular forearms completes that rugged look and tends to be an afterthought for some gym-goers.
Throw in a few sets of heavy wrist curls, reverse curls, and farmer’s walks to top off an arm blast!
Cranking Up The Intensity
One of the training techniques Alan used to really shock his muscles into new growth was something called supersets. This is where you move immediately from one exercise to another that targets opposing muscle groups with zero rest in between.
So for example, Alan would sometimes superset:
- Lat pulldowns with push-ups.
- Overhead press with bent over rows.
- Triceps pushdowns with biceps curls.
This not only saves time by combining movements, but it allows you achieve an insane muscle pump! By moving right from a pulling exercise to a pushing exercise, you keep the blood flowing into the muscles and lactic acid from building up too much. More pump = more growth!
Additionally, supersets drastically increase the intensity of your workout by limiting that rest between sets. You’re essentially forcing your working muscles to take a double impact without any recovery. And muscular damage and fatigue = template for growth!
Give it a try next workout. I think you’ll be shocked by the skin-tearing pump you achieve!
More Muscle Please! Extra Volume Techniques

In addition to intense supersets, Alan also relied on other high volume training techniques to force his muscles to continually adapt and grow bigger. Two of his go-to’s were tri-sets and giant sets.
This works on the same principle as supersets, except you perform 3 exercises back-to-back with no rest between. So Ritchson might do:
- Pull-ups immediately into.
- Push-ups immediately into.
- Shoulder raises.
By the end of the tri-set, your muscles are essentially screaming for mercy. It’s such an incredibly effective shock technique though. You’ll achieve pump and fatigue like never before!
Giant Sets
These take muscle exhaustion to the next level by incorporating 4 exercises done back-to-back. So Alan might giant set:
- Bench press into.
- Bent over rows into.
- Lateral raises into.
- Biceps curls.
Four diverse movements targeting totally different muscle groups completed in circuit fashion. The goal is to get through 4-5 rounds with minimal rest between. Let me tell ya…talk about wanting to puke your guts out by the last round! But it’s highly effective.
Both of these techniques are fantastic for breaking through training plateaus. By taking your muscles into uncharted waters when it comes to exhaustion stress, you force them to recover and adapt to this new stimulus. And muscular recovery/growth is the name of the game!
Core Training – The Readers Digest Version
Clearly Alan understood the immense importance of crafting a thick set of bricks for abs. That chiseled six pack is what ties together the entire Reacher look into one captivating package of shred-city comic book proportions!
But rather than waste hours on his core each week, he kept his ab sessions quick, intense, and effective:
Core Workout | Sets | Reps |
Hanging Leg Raises | 4 | To failure |
Ab Wheel Rollouts | 4 | To failure |
Farmers Walks | 4 | To failure |
Planks | 4 | To failure |

See the theme here? Every exercises is performed back-to-back in circuit fashion targeting the abs from multiple angles. And the goal is always to take every set to complete failure.
Essentially chasing the pump! By burning out the core muscles completely each session, he only needed one short gut-check each week to maintain granite abs. Talk about training efficiency!
I actually train my abs in a very similar fashion – short bursts of highly intense activity rather than long, drawn-out crunching marathons. Keeps me lean and muscular without spending half my life on the floor doing sit-ups. Give it shot next ab day!
Rest And Recovery
As hardcore as Alan’s weekly training regimen was, he knew the key role that rest and recovery played in his transformation process. All the activity in the world won’t lead to a bigger, better physique if you don’t give your body time to actually repair and regrow those muscles!
So Ritchson made sure to take at least one full off day from the gym each week, usually Sundays. During this time he focused on restorative activities:
- Light walking.
- Foam rolling tight spots.
- Stretching & mobility work.
- Contrast showers.
- Enjoying leisure time.
This allowed his nervous system to calm down and gave his bruised, battered muscles plenty of time recover. Additionally, it prevented him from overtraining which can totally stall out your progress.
Some additional recovery tips:
- Aim for 7-9 hours sleep per night.
- Eat plenty nutrient rich calories.
- Drink extra water and take mineral supplements.
- Get massage work done routinely.

Implementing those quick restorative habits goes such a long way towards ensuring your body can actually handle the intense training demands you place on it day after day.
Your muscles actually do the growing when you’re OUT of the gym relaxing. So make sure you’re setting up the optimal environment for muscle protein synthesis to thrive!
Alright, we blasted through the complete anatomy of Alan Ritchson’s mass gaining workout schedule. As you saw, he expertly stimulated every major muscle group twice over the course of each week. This provided the perfect muscular damage/recovery ratio for optimizing hypertrophy.
But crafting an imposing, heroic physique takes more than just pumping iron…it all starts with what ends up on your plate! Let’s explore how Alan fueled his intense training.
Feeding The Beast: Alan Ritchson’s Colossal Calorie Meal Plan
Alright bros, let’s switch gears and talk about what types of beastly nutrition Alan used to pack on piles of shredded mass onto that frame of his. Makes me hungry just thinking about it!
In case you forgot, here’s quick reminder of the macros this dude was housing on the daily:
- 4,500+ Calories.
- 300+ Grams of Protein.
- Plenty of Quality Carbs.
Daaaaaamn! Now that’s what I call eating big to get big! Consuming that kind of high performance fuel day in and day out is no small feat.
Hitting macro numbers like that requires planning out all your meals for the week, preparing food ahead of time, and staying on top of your nutrition game. No excuses or slackin’ allowed at the dinner table! You gotta have that warrior mindset dialed in if you wanna make transformations like Alan did.
Here’s a high level overview of what Reacher’s daily meal plan looked like:
Eat Like Reacher
Meal | Fuel |
Breakfast | Eggs Turkey Sausage or Bacon Oatmeal or Granola |
Morning Snack | Protein Smoothie Fruit |
Lunch | Rice or Potatoes Chicken, Beef, Fish & Veggies |
Afternoon Snack | Greek Yogurt Protein Bar Fruit & Nuts |
Pre-Workout | Rice Cakes with Almond Butter BCAAs |
Post-Workout | Protein Smoothie Carb Powder |
Dinner | Pasta, Rice, or Quinoa Red Meat, Salmon, Steak Tons of Veggies |
Evening Snack | Cottage Cheese Fruit Trail Mix |
So as you can see, he centered his diet around lean protein sources like chicken, fish, beef, and egg whites. He mixed in nutrient dense complex carbs from oats, rice, potatoes, and veggies to properly fuel intense training sessions.
And don’t forget healthy fats from foods like nuts, seeds, nut butters, and oilves which support muscle growth and optimal hormone production.
Final Word
When you’re training at such a high intensity like Alan was, your body requires a huge influx of macronutrients both to power you through workouts and to properly recover afterwards. Training hard breaks down muscle tissue and drains your carb stores. So not properly refueling is totally counterproductive!
A few high level nutrition tips:
- Stick to mostly whole, minimally processes foods.
- Balance each meal with quality carbs, protein, fat.
- Pack meals with extra calories to hit macro goals.
- Supplement where needed based on preferences.
- Allow for strategic indulgence meals.
Following those principles will help transform your body into an anabolic muscle-building machine!
Now I realize for some hardgainers out there pounding down that much clean food everyday can be challenging. I’ve worked with many clients that struggled hitting macro targets required for muscle growth through whole foods alone.
In those cases, I recommend relying on calorie-dense shakes/smoothies made from things like milk, oats, nut butters, protein powder, banana, olive oil etc. It’s an easy way to pack in an extra 500-1,000 calories per day without stuffing yourself silly. Give it a shot if you’re struggling!
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